Date Rape Drugs Eastern Kentucky University - Infermieristica Web

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate is a central nervous system depressant. GHB is a clear, odorless liquid that looks like water and so can be added to a beverage without the person knowing it. It may also be used in the form of a white powder. Offenders crush the tablets and slip the powder in the drink of target victims when they aren’t looking or when they go to the restroom, leaving their drinks unattended. Ambien can cause serious side effects for some people, making it very dangerous to take without a doctor’s supervision. Get help right away if you feel drunk and haven’t had any alcohol or if you feel like the effects of drinking alcohol are stronger than usual.

  • These drugs are so powerful that it affects your system very quickly without knowing.
  • Peak effect takes place after approximately 2 hours causing most victims to lose consciousness.
  • Do not leave a public venue, such as a club or even a private party, with someone you don’t know or just met.
  • FNZ combined with anesthetics, opioids, ethanol, cocaine, and methamphetamine can occur in therapeutic use and in polydrug abuse.
  • It can be mixed with juices, alcohol or other liquids to disguise taste and look.
  • It is also found in a powdered form which resembles soap powder in look and in texture.

Like alcohol, the drug is considered a date rape drug of choice; attackers slip the drug into victims’ drinks to promote disinhibition. how to quit drinking or at least cut back The drug is given to unwary victims without their consent. The victim is physically incapacitated and has impaired judgment.

Occurrence and Characteristics of Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault

Usually, alcohol and certain medications are used as date-rape drugs. Date-rape drugs or alcohol may be put into your drinks without you knowing it. The victim may become confused, have trouble defending against unwanted sexual contact, or be unable to remember anything about the incident. Additionally, they can be used while committing other crimes such as robbery. In the United States, nearly 11 million women have been raped while drunk or drugged.

What is the date rape tablet called?

Rohypnol is a common type of sexual assault drug that usually comes in tablet form. Individuals can also snort it or crush and dissolve it in liquids.

A potential victim may be unknowingly drugged with GHB. The clear liquid GHB is easily dropped or squirted into a drink. When it is dissolved in a drink, it is colorless and odorless.

Club Drugs List and Side Effects

Communicate your plans with your friends and dates. Never leave your drink unattended or hand it to anyone else. If you have not been watching your drink, get a new one. With regular and frequent use, tolerance builds to the effects of the drug, while dangerous results increase with continued use. The drug effects are unpredictable among different individuals even if given the same dosage.

What is the number one date rape drug?

Alcohol is one of the most common and most widely available drugs. However, an individual can use any drug that alters a person’s state of mind as a date rape drug.

Like other common date rape drugs, ketamine is highly potent and fast-acting. Ask that they run a lab for GHB, Rohypnol, or other can alcoholics drink in moderation substances if you think you have been drugged. Even if you think you don’t want to press charges it is better to get tested.

Examination of the Sexual Assault Victim

This date rape drug is illegal in the U.S., but it is still sold in Europe and Latin America. Rohypnol is brought into the country by smugglers and is sold on the street. This makes them easy to obtain and use on an unsuspecting victim. Keep in mind that alcohol in large doses can also make someone unconscious and unable to defend themselves.

date rape drugs names

A date rape drug is any kind of drug that is used to make rape or physical assault easier. They are given to victims in order to make them less physically able to defend themselves. These drugs or substances will cause a person to feel confused, sleepy, and unable to remember what happened. Date rape drugs can be taken as pills or dissolved into a drink. People not only use them to commit rape or sexual assault but for recreational purposes, as well. Users enjoy the sedative effect they give and will take them while clubbing or partying.

If you are out and see someone that seems like they could be a target of date rape say something. Call them a cab and make sure they get home safe. Alcohol is a legal depressant and it’s frequently cited in date rape cases. Rohypnol, or Flunitrazepam, is a type of benzodiazepine, or central nervous system depressant. It’s used outside of the United States to treat seizure, anxiety, or sleep disorders. Date rape can happen to anyone, so understanding the signs and symptoms of drugs used to assist with date rape and ways to protect yourself is essential.

What are the side effects of club drugs?

The consumer typically experiences the drug within minutes after ingesting it. A low dose of GHB can cause vision distortion, drowsiness, or nausea. If you think you have been a victim of date rape or sexual assault, get medical attention right away. Don’t bathe or change your clothing before you go, so the hospital can collect evidence. Alcohol is the most popular and most readily available drug.

date rape drugs names

If assault takes place, they might not know that anything happened. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. If you choose to drink it is best not to exceed one drink per hour and no more than three drinks per night. Keep a clear head when socializing, especially off-campus and in bars by keeping track of your drinks. Recent research findings also link MDMA use to long-term damage to those parts of the brain critical to thought and memory.

These drugs are very, very dangerous and can cause a range of side effects – all of which are serious and can be life threatening. Alcohol and other drugs play an important role in many sexual assaults. Half of all sexual assaults involve drug or alcohol ingestion. It is very dangerous to mix Rohypnol with alcohol or other drugs.


The alleged perpetrate generally uses alcohol to impair the victim’s physical motor abilities and mental judgment. According to the National Institutes of Health , Rohypnol is 10 times as potent as a sleeping pill and valium cocktail. Use of Rohypnol on an unwitting party can lead to rape charges. It’s available to perpetrators on the black market. Popular names for GHB are “Vita-G,” “Bedtime Scoop,” “Somatomax,” “Cherry Meth,” “Liquid X,” Easy Lay,” Goop,” “G-Juice,” “Gook,” and others. Unfortunately, anyone can experience date rape made possible by ingesting a date rape drug.

Instead, they should immediately tell a trusted friend they suspect someone may have drugged them. They or a friend should call for emergency help by dialing 911, then get themselves to a safe place. It is possible to lose consciousness quickly, so a person should not waste time trying to find the perpetrator or researching whether their symptoms match those of any drug.

date rape drugs names

Giving GHB to an unknowing party can result in rape charges. Gamma hydroxybutyric acid or 4-hydroxybutnoic acid – sodium oxybate is a depressant. It’s occasionally used in the treatment of narcolepsy and cataplexy.

Drugs used to facilitate date rape are usually tasteless and odorless. After consuming a date rate drug, the drinker may feel confused or weak. In sufficient amounts, some date rape drugs cause loss of consciousness. Date rape, or drug-facilitated sexual assault, alcohol rehab and recovery information is non-consensual, forced sexual intercourse that occurs with a date, acquaintance, or friend. It’s a type of sexual assault in which date rape drugs are used. The victim of date rape knows the alleged violator because the parties have a relationship.

Some date rape drugs look like regular drinks or other drugs you may be used to seeing. Drugs such as Rohypnol, GHB, GBL, and ketamine may look like pills, liquid, or powders. Often date rape drugs have no color, no smell, and no taste when added to a drink or food. In one 2002 survey of 53 women who used Rohypnol recreationally, 10% said they were physically or sexually assaulted while under its influence.

Are there ways to tell if I might have been drugged and raped?

It can lead to difficulty breathing, memory loss , being conscious but unable to move, and loss of consciousness—especially when it is combined with alcohol or other drugs. GHB has been involved in overdoses, date rapes, and death. If you do begin to feel dizzy, confused, or overly sleepy after one drink or two, someone may have spiked your drinks with a date rape drug.

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