How to Run Effective Virtual Meetings - Infermieristica Web

Effective communication is key to success, regardless of whether you’re working remotely or someone who works in person. Virtual meetings can be especially difficult to organize, but following the suggestions in this article can help you to organize more productive meetings.

Engage the attendees at the beginning. Begin meetings with an introduction to the group. For instance invite people to share their favorite moments of the past week or an incident they found funny. This creates a positive vibe and gives the attendees a sense of focus prior to focusing on the agenda.

At the start of the meeting, you should assign an individual to take notes. It’s easy for people to miss important details in a remote conference and having a designated person to record the conversation can help to avoid confusion. It’s important to encourage everyone to take notes, so they can review the notes later and apply it to their work.

It isn’t easy to avoid speaking at the same time or interrupting someone else in a virtual setting. To avoid this encourage turn-taking, try encouraging the use of “raise your hand” in your virtual meeting software.

Close your meeting with clear actions. This helps ensure that your team follows through on the goals and decisions you make in your meetings. It’s recommended to send an overview of the results of the meeting and the action items within a few days after the conclusion of the meeting. This can be done via sharing a document or sending an email via your meeting software.

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