Operability Definition & Meaning - Infermieristica Web

In any case, it is essential to treat software operability as a ‘first-class citizen’ of a product and to treat (you can find here the entire presentation) ‘ops’ as a high-skill field. However, the path to good operability could require some changes in how the whole team approaches product development. For example, a good starting point might be to avoid the historical distinction between functional and non-functional requirements.

Data exchange between applications, databases and IT systems is crucial for the growth of modern technology, such as the IoT. Approaches to improving or achieving interoperability include conducting compatibility tests, engineering products with a common standard and using the same technology, coding language or syntax across multiple systems when appropriate. Because first operability responders need to be able to communicate during wide-scale emergencies, interoperability is an important issue for law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency medical services, and other public health and safety departments. Agencies tried to bridge this isolation with inefficient, stop-gap methods while large agencies began implementing limited interoperable systems.

Flood risk management

Interoperability can be defined as the ability of anyone to talk with whomever they need to, whenever they need to, when properly authorized. Communications interoperability is essential to responders during emergencies and natural disasters. As it’s not easy to define and use the word ‘DevOps‘ – is it an adjective or an adverb?


Provide helper endpoints for services such as databases or queues that have no native HTTP capability. This lets you wire up a standard environment dashboard really easily, showing the health of all components at a glance. The Run Book dialog sheet technique works best when the dev/delivery team takes the lead on defining the initial set of operational features, because the team typically has to reach out to more operations-focused teams to fill in the details.

Word Length

All have in common that they want to push the development of the World Wide Web towards the semantic web.[dubious – discuss] Some concentrate on eGovernment, eBusiness or data exchange in general. Employed well, user personas help to build empathy with other people so you can discover ways in which the software needs to work better in production (or before production). By making software more testable, releasable, and operable, you improve operability overall and make the software more resilient—wins all around.


These approaches were inadequate and, in the US, the lack of interoperability in the public safety realm become evident during the 9/11 attacks[13] on the Pentagon and World Trade Center structures. Further evidence of a lack of interoperability surfaced when agencies tackled the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. After the doubts and reservations of all members are addressed, the resulting common document is endorsed as a common standard. This document may be subsequently released to the public, and henceforth becomes an open standard. It is usually published and is available freely or at a nominal cost to any and all comers, with no further encumbrances. Interoperability (pronounced IHN-



-tee) is the ability of different systems, devices, applications or products to connect and communicate in a coordinated way, without effort from the end user.

Communications Interoperability

Interoperability can have a significant impact on the organizations concerned, raising issues of ownership (do people want to share their data? or are they dealing with information silos?), labor relations (are people prepared to undergo training?) and usability. In this context, a more apt definition is captured in the term business process interoperability. If two or more systems use common data formats and communication protocols then they are capable of communicating with each other and they exhibit syntactic interoperability. Low-level data formats also contribute to syntactic interoperability, ensuring that alphabetical characters are stored in the same ASCII or a Unicode format in all the communicating systems. This technique is particularly powerful when teams collaborate on the conditions for “healthy” and “unhealthy.” Why does component X need to see that external service? You very soon discover interesting runtime dependencies through the process of defining the health-check logic.


The National Institute of Standards and Technology serves as an agency for measurement standards. The need for plug-and-play interoperability – the ability to take a medical device out of its box and easily make it work with one’s other devices – has attracted great attention from both healthcare providers and industry. Interoperability tends to be regarded as an issue for experts and its implications for daily living are sometimes underrated. The European Union Microsoft competition case shows how interoperability concerns important questions of power relationships. In 2004, the European Commission found that Microsoft had abused its market power by deliberately restricting interoperability between Windows work group servers and non-Microsoft work group servers. By doing so, Microsoft was able to protect its dominant market position for work group server operating systems, the heart of corporate IT networks.

Research & Development

If the language uses a different writing system it is almost impossible if no translation tools are available. The U.S. government is making an effort to overcome the nation’s lack of public safety interoperability. The Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC) is pursuing the SAFECOM[16] and CADIP and Project 25 programs, which are designed to help agencies as they integrate their CAD and other IT systems. Types of interoperability include syntactic interoperability, where two systems can communicate with each other, and cross-domain interoperability, where multiple organizations work together and exchange information.

DevOps have helped organisations to re-align their business and technology goals towards sustainable delivery of valuable, working software. You need to understand exactly where processing delays occur so you can troubleshoot more quickly and resolve the bottlenecks. You can do this using correlation IDs, near-unique identifiers that you inject at the edge of the system and then pass down through downstream components. As the number of processing nodes—servers, containers, IoT devices, availability zones—increases, you need to be able to reconstruct a request as an execution trace across multiple nodes. Perhaps one or more nodes are faulty or misconfigured, such as having the wrong version of a container image deployed.

Examples of operable in a Sentence

Even without the negative semantic connotation of the term ‘non-functional requirements‘, it is more accurate to speak in terms of ‘end-user features‘ and ‘operational features‘, giving equal importance to both. Just as it is important to be able to check and test user stories – “as a customer, I want to buy a product“, for example – it must be possible to verify and test the user story “as ops, I want to switch a feature” in the same way. In the upcoming Codemotion conference, to be held online on October 20, 21, and 22, 2020, the topic of DevOps will be addressed widely in numerous talks (you can find the schedule here). Not for the first time, our speakers will retrace some salient features of the DevOps culture, and the importance of software operability.

  • Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply.See Wiktionary Terms of Use for details.
  • Operability also refers to whether or not a surgical operation can be performed to treat a patient with a reasonable degree of safety and chance of success.
  • This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.
  • Functions of interoperable components include data access, data transmission

    cross-organizational collaboration regardless of its developer or origin.

  • Specifically related to web-based search, the challenge of interoperability stems from the fact designers of web resources typically have little or no need to concern themselves with exchanging information with other web resources.

For example, purchases sometimes need to be completed within a time limit for security reasons. This guideline covers the necessity of making core website functionality available via a keyboard in addition to other means (e.g. mouse), so that users that rely on keyboard controls can access them. At Codemotion Milan 2018, Marco Abis discussed some suggestions that are summarised in the following slide.

What does operability mean?

Specifically related to web-based search, the challenge of interoperability stems from the fact designers of web resources typically have little or no need to concern themselves with exchanging information with other web resources. Federated Search technology, which does not place format requirements on the data owner, has emerged as one solution to search interoperability challenges. In addition, standards, such as Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, Resource Description Framework, and SPARQL, have emerged that also help address the issue of search interoperability related to web resources.

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